Friday, June 19, 2009

My Response to Karl Fisch's Blog Post

After reading the post titled, Is It Okay To Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher from Karl Fisch’s staff development blog for Arapahoe High School, I have formed several different opinions regarding the statements made. I do agree with some of the statements made, but some were a little extreme. Because of their bluntness, I do see how the staff at this school would be annoyed by the statements made.

I realize that there are many teachers that have been teaching for 20 or more years that did not grow up with or get any schooling on the use of computers or many other technologies today, but with today’s technological advanced society, it would be an injustice to your students if you didn’t try your best to get educated. I do think that there is a general feeling among older generations of teachers that it’s okay to be technologically illiterate, but I think the younger generations of teachers feel that it is not okay. I do not see how today’s student’s of the colleges of education would be able to graduate if they were illiterate when it comes to technology or even the basic functions of the computer. There are many useful tools that can be obtained from the computer to enhance your student’s learning. Almost every job out there requires some sort of use of technology and it is our job as teachers to prepare them for it.


  1. I agree with your points completely Bre. Any teacher who is not taking advantage of what technology has to offer (particularly computers) is putting their students at a severe advantage. In fact I know a parent who has four small children and no computer in the house, by choice. In my opinion this is just plain hard headed and unfortunately the ones who suffer the most (the children) are helpless do anything about the situation.

  2. Hi Bre, I'm doing my homework where we are supposed to comment on another student's blog. I was curious to see your response to the Fischbowl assignment. I thought that Karl Fisch had quite an inflated opinion of himself and like you, I wouldn't blame his staff at all for being disgruntled based on his comments! He did have a good message though. I actually got more compressed information from his blog comments. See you Tuesday!

