Sunday, May 31, 2009


ALEX is an educational tool put in place by the Alabama Department of Education. It is an interactive web portal that provides resources that are, for the most part, connected to the Alabama courses of study. These resources include: a full list of the courses of study, web links, lesson plans, personal workspace, professional learning, distance learning, search tool, and a help tool.

The Alabama courses of study feature list the courses of study that all teachers are required to follow through the course of the school year for their particular grade level. The lesson plan feature list many different plans for each of the subject areas taught over the school year. The web links offer helpful links for students, administrators, and teachers. The personal workspace feature allows teachers to store and submit lesson plans. The professional learning feature offers educators resources that will allow them to enhance professional growth. The distance learning feature allows students to take web-based courses that are not offered at their school. The search feature allows you to find information that you are not able to find as well as minimize the search process. The help tool provides support for any issues or concerns you may have while using ALEX.

ALEX will be a very useful tool to me when I start teaching in many ways. There are several features that I know I will use often. The lesson plan feature will be very helpful and time saving. This will allow more time to devote to carrying out the plan effectively. The personal workspace feature will allow me to store and organize my lesson plans as well as submit them to be considered for adding to the ALEX lesson plans. The professional learning feature will be one of the most useful tools. The areas on this feature are very motivating to me as a teacher to be the best that I can be and to know that there is always room for improvement. ALEX is an awesome tool for educators and students allowing them more opportunities to expand learning and is something that I look forward to using.

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